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long days

Since then it's been a book you read in reverse So you understand less as the pages turn Or a movie so crass And awkardly cast That even I could be the star.


a new leaf

My sister came over today with her kids, looking for a little break after having been up all night throwing up from food poisoning. She looked kind of greyish and her voice was weak. I asked her how she was feeling, because she sort of looked like hell. "Well..." her voice kind of trailed off. "I always feel awful if I complain about my life to you."

Just so we're clear, the person who spent the entire previous night vomiting and barely had the energy to put the saltines I gave her in her mouth, feels that I have the worst possible existence she can imagine. Worse than vomiting.

If this isn't the sign I need that it's time for me to stop complaining and whining about my life -- when even vomit seems preferable to being me, well I don't know what is.

p.s. Did I mention TJ seems to be dropping her second nap? At ten months? In the spirit of my new attitude, I will simply express my gratitude that the universe delivered me such an energetic child, who simply laughs in the face of the sleep other, lesser, babies seem to need.


for this post

Blogger Stephanie Says:

You know what? You get to complain. Complain as much as you like.

I've noticed that when I turn over leaves, I almost always find creepy things like isopods or maggots. Leave those leaves be, I say.

On a happier note, you're going to be thanking the universe for real in a short while. One nap is so much more awesome than two. You're no longer housebound and the second nap stretches longer so you can actually do stuff.


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