First words.
Da-da. Ma-ma. I think these are the usual first recognizable words out of a baby's mouth. L. started with Da-da, and moved on to "cat" pretty quickly. We're pretty sure TJ gave us her first word this weekend (9 months old, if we're keeping track.) Not Ma-ma, not da-da, not even cat. Tesssss-ssssssa. Tesssss-sssssa. And then clapping. I'm not sure what it signifies, but combined with the fact that the way to get her to stop crying is to park her in front of a mirror, I think it's clear we're going to have our hands full with her, too.
Isn't she an Aries?
Handful? Understatement.
This must be a second-kid phenomenon, because Daisy's first real word was "ME! ME! MEMEMEMEMEME!"ht
You'll see, the second one will learn all sorts of things from the first. (things you'd never expect)
Our toddler has learned how to spit and how to whine and grab from his big sister. On the upside, he's also able to brush his teeth.
Ohhh, that gorgeous baby. She just knows a good thing when she sees it.
The Peanut's first word was "JJ." Second word? "NO! NONONONONONO!" Struck fear into my heart, I'll tell you.