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long days

Since then it's been a book you read in reverse So you understand less as the pages turn Or a movie so crass And awkardly cast That even I could be the star.


Overheard in Lucy's room


"Oh no! What happened to me?"

Crying. I jog down the hall to her room.

"Lucy, what happened?"

"I hurt me," she says, crying and pointing to her crotch. "I need you to kiss it!"

"I'm sorry you hurt yourself," I say, hugging her. "But I'm not going to kiss you there. That's your private place for you only."

"Kiss it! Kiss my bun! Kiss my bun!"

And so I did kiss her bun.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I won't laugh. No, I won't.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

see? Just an innocent thing. Kiss it, mommy.
and the beating I got for MY story about GG wanting me to kiss her owee bah-ginda.


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