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long days

Since then it's been a book you read in reverse So you understand less as the pages turn Or a movie so crass And awkardly cast That even I could be the star.


Update (not that anyone asked.)

I couldn't do it.

Teacher Aubrey called me today and said that they had all noticed that TJ had such a great time at class on Tuesday and they were ready to go ahead and sign her up right now just to make it more convenient for me.

When I told her we were going to pass, she made the mistake of asking me why.

Why? It's inappropriate to try to "teach" babies "skills" like walking and rolling. They will walk when they are developmentally ready, not after a 15 week, $200 class. All babies need is some songs, a parachute, and some bubbles. They have the bubbles, now add in the itsy-bitsy- spider and the Wheels on The Bus, and they're good to go.

They should listen to me. This is not my first time around the baby gym block. Now I must slink back to Gymboree. Even singing trite childen's songs with the word "Gymboree" substituted in various choruses ("The wheels on the bus go round and round/here at Gymboreeeeeeee") would be better than being forced to roll down a mat with ten other moms and babies and attempt to drill TJ on the finer points of gross motor development.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

good for you - rebuff that hard sell

Blogger Stephanie Says:

I think it's official: we are the same person.

I laughed so hard at your description of the Crazy Baby Class, I nearly peed myself.

I too had been feeling guilty about never taking The Peanut to any of the five billion activities to which I dragged her brother. So we tried Baby Story Hour at the library, Yoga for Youngsters, and an outing to The Discovery Museum. She liked them, but she much prefers tagging after JJ.

It's a whole different ballgame the second time around, isn't it?


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